IBH Invest Escrow & Vaults can assist you or your transaction by providing a neutral third party holding funds.
This can help in many ways but we list some typical uses beneath. If your transaction or need does not match a standard use listed beneath we will probably still be able to help by providing a bespoke service but please contact us to discuss.
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Payment pending completion of a task. For example, an agreed payment to a builder to be released to him when a surveyor confirms he has completed the defined task.
Construction snagging and retention accounts.
Neutral third party fund holder to hold funds pending resolution of a dispute.
Payment to be released on a joint signature.
Payment to assist with international trade. For example payment security for a manufacturer and purchaser.
Payment pending delivery of goods.
Transfer of funds into GBP to benefit from a particular exchange rate or pending an improvement in exchange rates.
To isolate company funds to secure them for a particular purpose.
Payment towards a prescribed purpose. For example a payment from a former husband/wife to be used for payment of a particular purpose (such a school fees).
Payment as support for children. For example payment of a term lump sum to be released for a particular purposes or on particular dates.
Proof of funds for a specific project.
Property/asset purchase fund.
Holding of funds for offshore entities.
Holding of funds pending creation of a permanent entity bank account.